Fiber Fever Summercamp : From textile to composite

21 Aug 28 Aug 2022

From textile to composite

5 partners challenge 12 designers on a  8 days 24/7 summercamp to make, eat, play, learn and meet in the Timelab jungle.

We are not looking to design anything that replaces something that already exists. The role the artifact takes as a counterpart is what we are looking for. As a being in reciprocity. We are striving to design tangible systemic transformations using fibers and connections. From Textile to Composite ! This can be on product level, supply chain, making process, or ownership.

We offer a great 1800 sqm space, including a makerlab, a bio-composite lab, a kitchen, a garden, lots of open space to work, play and sleep. A diverse team of professionals with backgrounds in different fields of design, engineering, and business modeling will coach individual and group activities. 

At the end of the week, the participants display a tangible output showing how their fibrous design creates a change by creating new relations, transformation or a new way to experience the world as a reflection on our cultural, social, technological and ecological environment. 

Man-made, tangible, invisible, natural, macro, micro; fibers in multiple ways

The program

Sunday 21/08 16:00 : Arriving and getting to know each other, closing the day with dinner.

From Monday 22/08 to Friday 26/08, from 9:00 until 23:00

8:00 - 9:00


9:00 - 11:00

morning lecture sessions on textile and fibers, engineering and open source, funding and research, bio-composites and sustainable design. 

11:00 - 13:00

Individual working time in the lab to prepare for a presentation by the end of the week. 


Lunch and play time


Individual coaching and networking during the process. 





Collective practice workshops on bio composites and textile connections on Monday and Tuesday night.


Saturday 27/08 17:00 : end presentation closing off with a drink.

Sunday 28/08 16:00 : we clean our mess and say goodbye, ending the summercamp with a ritual


The space is at Kogelstraat 34 - 9000 Ghent and is easily accessible by public transport. 

We cover accommodation and food + a common budget for materials. 

You only have to make sure you get there and stay for the entire week. 


Send your cv to to onboard

Bring your mattress and sleeping bag, because we will be camping!

If you have a nice game to play with the group, take it with you

A joint force by Timelab and DAE, KASK Gent, LUCA Genk, UGent, VUB

Teachers invite students or alumni, but if you believe you want to be part of this group? Please send an email to, because we have 2 seats for unexpected encounters !.

21 Aug 28 Aug
Reinforcing Practical Learning