Freja Nielsen

Freja Kræmmer Nielsen is a Danish designer, artistic researcher and soil activist. Her work investigates the intersection of humans and ecosystems, art and science, and critical thinking and making. Her publication ‘Novel Reasonings for Wild Desires’ investigates the human view on plants within gardening and maintenance practices, and unpacks how capitalistic desires have created a notion of the ‘undesirable’ plant. Through hands-on explorations, Freja’s work embraces the marginal spaces and undervalued entities, and encourages reflection on the relations between the human and more-than-human. Freja holds a master’s degree in Social Design from Design Academy Eindhoven, and is based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Projects (1)

Inschrijvingen (7)

15 May 16 May 2024

Masterclass Celebration of the Nettle

In this masterclass, we aim to challenge the conventional perception of nettle (Urtica) as a mere weed and instead, delve into its multifaceted potential. Our goal is to foster diverse perspectives and cultivate innovative relationships with this resilient plant.
1 Feb 30 Jun 2023


Freja Nielsen transplanteert zaadbedden van hoogwaardige spontane vegetatie die dreigt te verdwijnen omwille van wegenwerken naar straat- en geveltuinen.