Masterclass Celebration of the Nettle

15 May 16 May 2024

Welcome to our masterclass on the Celebration of the Nettle, a theme following the design research of "Preserving the undercommon" introduced during DDW23 by Freja Nielsen and Monja Simon.

Expanding upon their research, social designers Freja and Monja are excited to bring their vision to life through an immersive experience centered around honoring the often-overlooked botanical charm: Urtica, commonly known as nettle.

In this masterclass, we aim to challenge the traditional perception of nettle as a mere weed and instead, explore its myriad possibilities. Our objective is to foster diverse perspectives and cultivate resourceful relationships with this resilient plant. Through the art of fermentation, we welcome participants from various backgrounds—ranging from agricultural and culinary experts to advocates of nature conservation and rewilding—to join us in uncovering the regenerative essence of Urtica and its interconnectedness within ecosystems.
At the heart of our masterclass lies a textile, serving as a canvas for collective insights, culinary inspirations, and practical discoveries derived from our collaborative exploration. The reflections will not only be thoughtfully collected and printed, but also captured in a soundscape forming a tangible repository of knowledge to be shared with creators and visitors alike at Timelab. Additionally, we envision a culminating public event, inviting all to partake in the festivities and witness the culmination of our collective journey during Midzomerfest on June 21st at Timelab.

Come join us as we shift our perspective on "weeds" and embark on a transformative journey of discovery and celebration with Urtica. Together, let's weave a regenerative narrative of interconnectedness, honoring the resilience and abundance of the undercommon.

Day Program

May 15 - celebrating plant

Morning 9:00-12:00

Introducing the theme of the nettle by Monja and Freja
Foraging guided tour with Monja and Freja
Nathalie Decoene makes Leafu (Nettle Tofu)

Lunch break 

Afternoon: 14:00-16:00

Ae Jin from Mokja: kimchi making (50 minutes)
Frank&Robbert/Robbert&Frank: performing rituals in public space

Evening: 18:00

Pieter Bruyndonckx: medicinal properties of the nettle (30-45)
Collective Dinner and reflections of the day (summary)

May 16 - celebrating soil

Morning: 9:00-12:00

Eugenia Morpurgo on microecosystems of weeds
Freja Nielsen on soil ecosystems

Lunch with nettles with Helena Schoeters + drinking nettles tasting 

Afternoon: 13:00-15:00

Closing ritual: Somaya (back at the nettles home)
→finalizing and hand over to timelab of archived material in the form of a textile and audio piece by Freja & Monja


Experience in fermenting, plants, regeneration, rituals and foraging local meals is a must

Price : 150 euro incl. VAT and 2x vegan, local lunch, all materials
Max particpants : 12

15 May 16 May
9:00 - 22:00
Reinforcing Practical Learning