Ida Bomm

Ida’s background as a research-based artist and educator informs her interest in how our understanding of the world and ourselves shapes the reality we live in. Approaching her way of working through artistic methodologies has becomes for Ida a way to craft tools that give voices to stories that might otherwise go untold and that support our imagination of alternative future scenarios for all of us.

For Ida, timelab has become a vivid ecosystem in which ideas for systemic change are airborne, planted and watered collectively. By supporting the core team for the time of her internship, Ida helps to grow the flimsy leaves and to take care of the entrenched roots.

She holds a Master of Education from the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau in Germany and a Master of Fine Arts for the University of Gothenburg (HDK-Valand) in Sweden. 

Inschrijvingen (3)

29 Nov 2024


Dompel je onder in alles wat Timelab te bieden heeft, elke laatste vrijdag van de maand. Met potluck lunch van 12u30-14u!