Laure-Anne Vermaercke

Laure-Anne Vermaercke (1996*) is a reality-based dreamer who loves art and experimenting with language and words. She has a background in Comparative Modern Literature and Cultural Management and has done research on slam poetry, social engagement in modern Italian poetry and the field of the commons. Working at Timelab she feeds her interest in new models of collaboration and organisation, both in the cultural sector and beyond. Not only in writing and reflecting, but also in organising and curating events. As a founding member of Auw La (2016), an association of poetry and spoken word, she is not only an active poet and performer, but also an organiser. From 2017 to 2019 she was one of the driving forces behind Waar Zine de Vrouwen, in the summer of 2018 she toured with the Poetry Bus through Belgium and the Netherlands and in 2019 she published the chapbook FEAR / JOY of Missing Out (Marktcorruptie) together with illustrator Marie Bockaert.

Inschrijvingen (6)

30 Aug 31 Aug 2021


OPROEP! Ben je een kunstenaar of organisatie, schrijf je voor het eerst aan een subsidiedossier en vind je het bos door de bomen niet? Schrijf je in voor onze tweedaagse schrijfmarathon!
3 Oct 2019

School of Commons avondschool

De School of Commons 2019 is momenteel volboekt! Je kan je nog steeds inschrijven op de reservelijst. Daarnaast worden je gegevens bewaard voor een volgende editie.