Autumn is here. Our garden, once a dark, polluted and inaccessible (partly) indoor space, has become a welcoming green area of 175 sqm at the heart of the city of Ghent. After cleaning the soil, selecting plants, planting, caring, rearranging, guiding branches and discovering spontaneous grown new plants; mapping them out, looking for recipes, enjoying the richness of the fresh fruits, drying leaves for tea, having conversations, tasting crazy salad combinations, making a guiding postcard for visitors, and inviting neighbors to harvest; we are now preparing for winter.
Amongst the many flowering and edible plants and herbs growing in the garden are:
- Echinacea / Coneflowers
- Goudsbloem / Pot marigold
- Wijnruit / Common rue
- Speenkruid / Ficaria
- Kornoelje / Dogwood
- IJzerkruid / Verbena
- Valeriaan / Valerian
- Duizendblad / Yarrow
- Tagetes / Marigolds
- Peer / Pear
- Zoethoutgras / Japanese sweet flag
- Daslook / Wild garlic
- Stekelbes / Gooseberry
- Oerprei / Leek
- Bergamot
- Aalbes / Redcurrant
- Kaasjeskruid / Malva
- Leverkruid / Hemp-agrimony
- Honingbes / Fly honeysuckle
- Sporkehout / Alder buckthorn
- Oost-Indische kers / Garden nasturtium
- Tijm / Thymes
- Citroentijm / Citrus thyme
- Marjolein / Marjoram
- Bonenkruid / Satureja
- Opgaande rozemarijn / Rosemary
- Kruipende rozemarijn / Weeping rosemary
- Hyssop
- Olijfkruid / Santolina virens
- Leiappel / Apple
- Bieslook / Chives
- Chinese bieslook / Chinese chives
- Driekleurige salie / Salvia tricolor
- Grootbladige salie / Berggarten sage
- Venkel / Fennel
- Kaffir limoen / Kaffir lime
- Oesterblad / Oyster leaf
- Japanse gember / Japanese ginger
- Kerrieplant / Curry plant
- Citroenverbena / Lemon verbena
- Lavas / Lovage
- Lavendel / Lavender
- Vijg / Fig
- Druif / Grapes
- Rotsooievaarsbek / Bigroot geranium
- Zwartmoeskervel / Alexanders
- Dropplant / Giant hyssops
- Bloemloze zuring / Garden sorrel
- Bosaardbei / Wild strawberry
- Blauwe bes / Highbush blueberry
- Lievevrouwebedstro / Woodruff
- Japanse wijnbes / Wineberry
- Hosta / Plantain lilies
- Daglelie / Daylilies
- Hazelaar / Common hazel
- Astilbe japonica / False buck's beard
- Krenteboom / Shadbush
- Vlinderstruik / Summer lilac
- Smeerwortel / Comfrey
- Meidoorn / Hawthorns
- Maarts viooltje / Sweet violet
- Framboos / Raspberry
- Loopkamille / Chamomile
- Look zonder look / Garlic mustard
- Munt / Mint
- Schijnaugurk / Chocolate vine
- Olijfwilg / Silverberry
- Szechuanpeper / Japanese pepper
- Roomse Kamille
- Pompoen
- Dovenetel
- Rabarber
- Adderwortel
- Gevlekt longrkuid
- Citroengras
We are grateful to be so close to the rhythm of life during our daily work activities, and we invite you to join, cowork or organise your events in our space. Please feel welcome to visit us for a cup of Timelab-blend-tea, fruits and reflective conversations.
The garden has become a precious and soothing natural work environment over the last years and months, thanks to Filip Bonne, Alaa Abu Asad and Véronique De Mey.