Yasmin Mohamed Abdelsattar Bayoumi

Yssmin Bayoumi is a Ph.D. researcher at the Planning and Development Research Unit in the Architecture department. She graduated from Mansoura University in Egypt and she participated in some projects to empower local communities. After graduation, she started a small initiative called CELL to provide informal education for architecture and urban planning. 

Her research with KU Leuven is focusing on empowering craftspeople by integrating digital fabrication tools. She is exploring makerspaces's role to empower craftspeople.

Projects (1)

Inschrijvingen (3)

30 Aug 2023

Final presentation Fiber Fever Summercamp

Het startte met 3 uitdagingen omtrent de 'Braiding' techniek. Touw maken, vlechten, objecten en verhalen. Over betekenis, technieken, materialen en verhalen, geinspireerd door vlecht- en koordtechnieken.