[bootcamp] SportCamp 2017

1 Dec 6 Dec 2017

Another SPORT is possible?!. *

These are extraordinary times. Times of reinvention and mobilization. We have to reinvent systems, time and pastime, mobilize bodies, communities and structures. For decades, our sport systems have leaned towards alienating industrialization and will not be fixed/updated on their own, without our joint action. In the ecology of tiny systems, the micro-worlds of exceptions, by branching out, multiplying, showing diversity and resilience there is a place for solidarity and serendipity on a bigger scale. What is the future for bodily social experience? Can personal development and growth, Do-it-Yourself/with-Others cultures be the starting points of a new way to self-organize athletes and sport systems? Can a multitude of minorities combine into a non-normative driving force? What are your ideas, concepts, visions, prototypes or models for the commoning and co-creation of sport?

Presentations and debate with participants: 

Harald De Bondt / Zeljko Blace / Caitlin Fisher / Tonci Batalic / Vanessa Brazeau / Inari Wishiki / Salvatore Iodice / Lorenzo Dewaele / Roel Heremeans / Martin Schick / Jose Begega / Gabriel Fontana / Diego Grandry / Antoine Le Blanc / Marc Palmer

picture: Jose Begega

1 Dec 6 Dec
9:02 - 10:00