Antonella Valerio

I have started my studies crossing history of art and ethnology, with an endless passion for AfroBrazilian culture.

My interest for textiles began longtime ago, by exploring the crochet knitting techniques and creating crochet urban art installations wrapping bicycles, statues and parking meters.

After that, I created MUDA, an upcycling project that questioned the large-scale textile production and its heavy impact on the environment.

In August 2020, I completed a Master's degree in Textile Design at the Académie Royale des Beaux Arts in Bruxelles, Belgium, working on the project LET'S TWIST AGAIN, focusing on possible solutions to up-cycle industrial textiles waste, after my internship at VLISCO, a textile company in the Netherlands.

All along my research, I experiment with old traditional techniques in search of new aesthetic languages to promote and share a more sustainable textile creation.

Inschrijvingen (2)

30 Aug 2023

Final presentation Fiber Fever Summercamp

Het startte met 3 uitdagingen omtrent de 'Braiding' techniek. Touw maken, vlechten, objecten en verhalen. Over betekenis, technieken, materialen en verhalen, geinspireerd door vlecht- en koordtechnieken.