Magdalena Orland

Textile designer Magdalena Sophie Orland has been living and working in Leipzig since completing her Master's degree in Conceptual Textile Design at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Saale) in 2019.

Her artistic research approaches in her textile works are multifarious. They include 

experimental material investigations, interdisciplinary connection building, merging of traditional craft and manufacturing techniques with contemporary interpretations and methods, as well as the role of textile design within society. 

An essntial part of her work is project-based and builds on cooperation between different crafts. This enables a constant process of questioning the boundaries of design. 

Magdalena Sophie Orland has received several awards for her theoretical and practical master's thesis ZWISCHEN_RÄUMEN and has been presented in various exhibitions.

Inschrijvingen (2)

30 Aug 2023

Final presentation Fiber Fever Summercamp

Het startte met 3 uitdagingen omtrent de 'Braiding' techniek. Touw maken, vlechten, objecten en verhalen. Over betekenis, technieken, materialen en verhalen, geinspireerd door vlecht- en koordtechnieken.