Cliona Harmey

I work on a range of different scales from gallery to large scale work in public space. I am probably a kindo of unlikely nerd and am interested in hands-on ways of working and trying to understand technology sometimes making ephemeral or immaterial elements more obvious sometimes informed by the history of technology. I am mostly interested in low-fi, low bandwidth and non-spectacular ways of working with technology (though I have worked on a very large scale with my public art project Dublin Ships). I am interested in engineering, infrastructure, transport and hardware but see myself as very much as an enthusiastic amateur in this field. I like the workshop process and open ended learning. I enjoy reading groups, screenings and discussion based activity. I like art. I work as an art educator, and in the past as an old school gallery workshop facilitator working with lots of different groups of people. In my practice as an artist I tend to work with the support of artists run spaces, local institutions, or art organisations. I have curated two projects but am really much more of an artist than a curator. I originally studied Sculpture, and then long ago did a webmaster course which introduced me to working with technology, I later did a one year residency at a new media centre Arthouse. I currently work as a lecturer at the National College of Art & Design Dublin in the Media Department and am a visiting research assistant at the Orthogonal Methods Group (OMG which works in critical and creative relation/tension with technology. In Winter I participated with OMG in a short residency at IZK TU Graz called Matters of Facts which explored the relationship between facts, computation, algorithms, poetics and politics. Taking place over the course of a week, 22 - 25 October 2018 at the Graz University of Technology, Matters of Fact brought together academics and non-academics from various fields, within diverse formats and working methods. This happened in conjunction with the Art-Based Research program "The InComputable". I am currently working on a collaborative project with cyclists, bicycles and line of sight communication and movement using a simple sensor. This is happening as part of the Velocity conference in Dublin in Summer 2019. Previous small scale sculptural works looking at ideas around transport and weather at Pallas Projects.

Projects (1)

Inschrijvingen (5)

25 Feb 29 Feb 2020

[Sprint 2020] documenting commoning residencies

Every year, a sprint reflects on the past year of the organisation and defines questions and issues to be addressed in the future work. In a 4 days gathering the sprinters of 2020 will collectively work on strategies, tools and practices on the issue of documenting and communication.