Natalija Krasnoperova

Natalija Krasnoperova is a German facilitator, UX researcher and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering innovation through human-centered design. With an interdisciplinary background in media, design, and cultural management, Natalija specializes in participatory methodologies for co-creation, working closely with users, citizens, and clients. As a service designer and innovation trainer, she applies Design Thinking, among other agile methodologies, to help international organizations in the public, private, and creative sectors transform ideas into impactful solutions.

In 2018, Natalija co-founded Studio HILO, a Berlin-based startup that created the world’s first
open-source spinning and textile recycling machines. She is a strong advocate for open-source technologies and open knowledge, exploring their potential to drive sustainable business solutions and foster collaborative communities.

Natalija holds an M.A. in Communication in Social and Economic Contexts from the University of the Arts Berlin (2014), along with a Design Thinking certification from the D-School at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam (2015).

Inschrijvingen (1)

21 Mar 22 Mar 2025

Masterclass Participatie voor Echt

Een 2-daagse training waarin je jouw vaardigheden als coach, bemiddelaar, projectleider of consultant verdiept. Maak concrete impact, balanseer doel en inspraak en vergroot het zelfvertrouwen van de groep. Ontdek de kracht van werken met hyperdiverse groepen.