Ingrid Vranken

Ingrid Vranken completed an Ma in Theatre Studies at the University of Antwerp and Freie Universität Berlin. She works as a dramaturg, producer and curator for multiple artists and arts organizations in Flanders. (a.o. SPIN, David Weber Krebs, Walter Verdin, Maria Lucia Cruz, Rosa Omarsdottir, Luce Goutelle, Helena Dietrich, Bâtard Festival). She is a member of FoAm, a transdisciplinary laboratory at the interstices of art, science, nature and everyday life. Aside from her work in the arts, Ingrid is actively engaged in the environmental justice movement. Her work focuses on connecting the arts and ecology, not only as a theme of artistic work, but also as a way to transform artistic processes and practices. Her research focusses on new collaborative, curatorial and dramaturgical models, and a wider ecological and post-capitalist transition, that include other-than-humans. She is a graduate student in Expanded Curation aDAStheatre in Amsterdam, a two-year practice-based research master.

Projects (1)

Inschrijvingen (3)

25 Feb 29 Feb 2020

[Sprint 2020] documenting commoning residencies

Every year, a sprint reflects on the past year of the organisation and defines questions and issues to be addressed in the future work. In a 4 days gathering the sprinters of 2020 will collectively work on strategies, tools and practices on the issue of documenting and communication.