Einat Tuchman

I was born in Israel and grew up in a kibbutz. Both elements influenced and continue to play a roll in my artistic development. I started my path as a dancer first studying dance in the Kibbutz dance company then in Rotterdam- Codarts. I danced for different choreographers in different countries such as Alain Platel- Belgium, Charnock–Berlin, Tmim- Berlin, Bruce–London, Needcompany-Belgium, Lies Pauwels–Belgium, Orla Bary-Ireland and more. In 2000 I started to create my own choreographies. I examined through dance and speech different social codes and behaviors exposing the hidden desires and struggles behind our conventional ceremonies of everyday life. Bartime 2001, Turn off the light 2002 and Oh Boy 2005 produced by Victoria (campo) Gent. Forgetting 2004 ,Normosis 2007, I died a hundred times 2008 (supported by the vlaamse gemeenschap) , “Maizena” 2008 and “Neomaizena” 2013 Produced by of the Beursschouwburg and Pianofabriek. In 2010 I join Apass for a year research studies. After a long career as a dancer and as a choreographer I wished to examine aspects of my work and relate deeper to the social reality of my city and in the world in general. I start a research about the tensions between individuality and collectivity and the place of the “Other” in society, relooking back at my Kibbutz experience. I initiated different experiments and workshops called “make me” where people defined my actions in public spaces. In 2012 I received trajectsubsidie from the vgc to research the complex identity of the smallest in belgium, Saint josse. This research led me to apply“ hospitality” ( influenced by Jacques Derrida) as the conceptualframe for my future projects. I observed social relations where guests and hosts are inviting each other for a constant negotiations over space, be it physical or mental. In Saint Josse I created together with Nicolas Galeazzi the interactive performance “Hotes et l`autre” 2013 that was presented during Toc Toc knOck festival produced by KVS. We worked with inhabitants from different origins about their notion of hospitality. They were the hosts and guided the public through different games about positions of hosts and guests in the urban realm. In 2013 together with Gosie Vervloessem, we founded the platform “State of the art” with the aim to assemble individual artists in Brussels to reflect and defend the place of art in society. In 2014 I created “Other Host” ( Buda-Kortirjk). For three weeks I was the “other Host”, I conducted an hospitality game in different homes in Kortrijk, in the end they were all invited to a final performance in Buda. “Incompany” (2015, project subvention by vlaamse gemeenschap and VGC) started as a search. How we artists that wants to provoke and question the norm can be guests inside profit based companies? After a long process together with Nicolas Galeazzi and Heike Langsdorf we establish the Incompany Workers` Club. An interactive performance about personal values and the systems we work in. We presented the Workers`Club in places like Beursschouwburg, Vooruit, Buda, Acod, Beface, Halle Saint Gery and more. Incompany is still presented as a workshop and we are in relation with Lasso, workspacebrussels, and Ifexecutives. I started the project “Espacetous” In summer 2016. I focus on one area , namely Quartier Liberateurs in Molenbeek , where I live as well. The aim is to create contemporary culture and knowledge out of daily needs and capacities of the inhabitants.

Projects (1)

Inschrijvingen (4)

25 Feb 29 Feb 2020

[Sprint 2020] documenting commoning residencies

Every year, a sprint reflects on the past year of the organisation and defines questions and issues to be addressed in the future work. In a 4 days gathering the sprinters of 2020 will collectively work on strategies, tools and practices on the issue of documenting and communication.